Earlier in the fall, in the shadow of the General Eisenhower statue in Bliss Gardens at the front of Eisenhower Hospital, a monument was installed to memorialize the collective response of everyone... more
Most of us have done it at one time or another: we bend or reach for something, a move we’ve made countless times, but this time — bam! — our back goes out. And it hurts. Or maybe... more
When over-the-counter meds for your allergies, asthma or eczema no longer seem to help your misery, it may be time to revisit what the allergy and immunology specialists have to offer. New therapies,... more
Right now, managing your stress and maintaining healthy habits is more important than ever. The coronavirus pandemic — with its self-isolation, social distancing and upheaval of... more
Though not as prevalent as back pain, neck pain is still extremely common and afflicts millions of Americans every year. The vast majority of cases can be treated... more
When we think of atherosclerosis — the build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of arteries, causing the arteries to narrow or become blocked— we usually associate it with... more
The phrase “Physician, heal thyself” may be a noble sentiment, but when retired family physician J. Michael Lee, MD, first began to experience back problems about nine years ago, he... more
Through donations large and small, the Eisenhower Schnitzer/Novack Breast Center is breaking new ground and transforming care regionally by offering new technology in the fight against breast cancer... more
Almost as certain as death and taxes are neck and back pain. Nearly 8 in 10 individuals, at some point in life, will develop significant neck or back pain that warrants medical... more
Exercise can help you get and stay healthier during the pandemic and long after Imagine you could take a single medicine that would simultaneously relieve your anxiety or depression,... more
Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart arrhythmia, affecting more than three million Americans. An arrhythmia occurs when the heart beats too slowly, too fast, or in an irregular way. Atrial... more
A female urologist is relatively uncommon. Of the estimated 13,000 urologists practicing in the United States, only about 10 percent are women. When Geraldine Klein, MD, joined Eisenhower Health in... more
The seizure happened out of the blue. Thad Young was basking poolside at home in Sun City while he and his wife, Judy, enjoyed video-chatting with their granddaughter, Taylor, about her post-college... more
The human ankle works like a hinge. One of the most flexible, freemoving joints in the body, a normal ankle can move forward, move side to side and twist. Like all joints, the ankle contains... more
Irene Soto wanted her total ankle replacement surgery at Eisenhower Health — and nowhere else. For Irene Soto, 66, the seemingly simple act of walking around the block without pain is... more
A world-wide pandemic. A time of global reckoning and fear. Humans are incredibly resourceful and resilient but the novel coronavirus has given us challenges we’ve never before seen or had to... more
Puneet Khanna, MD, an interventional cardiologist with Eisenhower Desert Cardiology Center, explains the transcatheter valve replacement procedure (TAVR). TAVR is different from... more
Exercising, and subsequently boosting your immune system, has never been more important than during a pandemic. As long as it’s safe to go outdoors, walking is an excellent way to get in shape... more
When Ranjeet Minocha, MD, Fellowship Trained and Board Certified in Allergy and Immunology, joined the Eisenhower Health medical staff in November 2018, he brought a new level of expertise to the... more
Family-centered care, state-of-the-art technology In May 2021, Eisenhower Health opened its Family Birth Center, with 14 labor delivery, recovery, and postpartum rooms, two operating rooms... more
Andrew Frutkin, MD, Board Certified in Interventional Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease discusses the latest advancements in Trans Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). more
Below is a Q&A regarding Covid-19 vaccines and vaccinations that we hope you find helpful. When can I expect to be vaccinated? Eisenhower Health (like most California hospitals)... more
Recognizing the unique situation presented by COVID-19 this year, Eisenhower Health has departed its practice of naming a single Physician of the Year, instead opting to recognize a larger group of... more
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE REMAINS THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN WOMEN. According to United States statistics, 398,086 female deaths occurred in 2013 from cardiovascular disease. As noted in a 2016... more