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10 Results
  • In many of the stories we feature about people who undergo spinal surgery to relieve back pain, there is that dramatic moment when they awaken from surgery and realize their pain is gone. In the days... more
  • Rancho Mirage resident David Peet, 58, knows how lucky he is to be alive nearly eight years after being diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), one of the most complex, lethal and... more
  • Most of us have done it at one time or another: we bend or reach for something, a move we’ve made countless times, but this time — bam! — our back goes out. And it hurts. Or maybe... more
  • The phrase “Physician, heal thyself” may be a noble sentiment, but when retired family physician J. Michael Lee, MD, first began to experience back problems about nine years ago, he... more
  • The seizure happened out of the blue. Thad Young was basking poolside at home in Sun City while he and his wife, Judy, enjoyed video-chatting with their granddaughter, Taylor, about her post-college... more
  • RON YOUNG HAD PUT OFF BACK SURGERY for as long as he could. “I’d been managing back pain since the early eighties,” the active 76-year-old Rancho Mirage resident says. “And... more
  • RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT Chief Deputy Geoff Raya, 48, had been enduring severe headaches for about three years, managing them with medication prescribed by his doctor. One day in... more
    In medicine, nothing is more complicated than the brain. So little is known about this miraculous grey matter comprised of hundreds of billions of cells and how these cells interact with each other... more
  • IN OCTOBER 2017, less than a year after starting to enjoy his retirement to Palm Desert from Saint Paul, Minnesota, Montreal-born plastic surgeon Dean Mann, MD, suffered a massive stroke at home... more
  • It started nine years ago with an occasional twitch in Ruby Marruquin’s left eye. As time went on, the twitching became more frequent, severe and painful. “By the time I started... more