David Tahernia, MD - Director of the Comprehensive Spine Center at Eisenhower Desert Orthopedic Center - updates us on what patients can realize from the concept of care made possible at this... view
Matthew Diltz, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon at Eisenhower Desert Orthopedic Center (EDOC) - provides a succinct overview of how Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction can restore the ability to... view
Sports Injuries To The Hip - The Evolving Role of Hip Arthroscopy
Matthew Diltz, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon at Eisenhower Desert Orthopedic Center (EDOC) - provides insight into sports injuries to the hip. The majority of the soft tissue injuries that occur at the hip... view
This is our practical midterm on our ST LAB 111 AND I would like to share and dedicate to all my friends family teachers classmate and students alike for their support on my first video project... view
Mary Ann McLaughlin, Associate Vice President, Patient Care Services at Eisenhower Medical CenterTwo way communication between executives and frontline staff is the centerpiece of Eisenhower... view