Events, Classes & Groups

Parkinson's in Motion - Movement for Health and Wellness

  • Cathedral City Senior Center
  • Ongoing
  • From 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Exercise is an important part of healthy living. For people with Parkinson's, and those who have balance concerns, exercise is vital component to performing activities of daily living. Parkinson's in Motion incorporates exercise that focuses on maintaining motor function, increasing muscle strength, improving balance, posture and gait. Participants are encouraged to do as much as possible and rest when necessary. Join this ongoing class at any time and take advantage of the benefits exercise can provide.

Meets every Tuesday, year-round, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. In Person and Zoom options available. 

In person: Cathedral City Senior Center, 37171 W Buddy Rogers Ave, Cathedral City

Zoom online:

Zoom phone: Call one of the phone numbers below and enter meeting ID 998 7339 3602

669.900.6833 / 346.248.7799 / 253.215.8782

Physician consent required.

The speaker for this event is Lisa Manning, CET Certified Exercise Therapist.