Eisenhower George and Julia Argyros Health Center
Eisenhower George and Julia Argyros Health Center

Location Details

Other Locations

  • Eisenhower Primary Care 365

  • Eisenhower George and Julia Argyros Health Center
  • 45280 Seeley Drive, Third Floor
  • La Quinta, CA 92253-6834
  • Monday thru Friday
    8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Eisenhower Primary Care 365 is a medical practice dedicated to continuous communication with our patients. Our physicians and care team are available to serve the needs of our patients 365 days a year. Communication between patients and physicians occurs through face to face visits in the office(Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm), by telephone or in your home online -day and night, 365 days a year. Your relationship with your Eisenhower Primary Care 365 physician will be unlike any you have had before, with regular communication and unprecedented access that allows you to build a trusted and valued relationship together.

The Eisenhower Primary Care 365 Program offers patients traditional face-to-face primary care office visitis, as well as an opportunity to communicate with their medical professionals online through our partnership with RelayHealth. This relationship-based approach to care helps patients stay connected to their physician.

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