MPX (Monkeypox) Update

Monkeypox Update
Riverside County has declared Monkey pox a public health emergency due to the growing number of cases. If you believe you have been exposed to Monkey pox, call the Riverside County Public Health Monkey Pox Hotline at 951-358-5107.

Because the federal supply of vaccine remains limited and must be prioritized for high risk groups, Riverside County Public Health is currently the best resource for updated information.

Eisenhower Health is working closely with Riverside County Public Health and strongly encourages community members to use the County’s website to learn how to reduce their potential exposure to Monkey pox, particularly while the vaccine is in such limited supply. Please visit the Riverside County Public Health website, where you can find the latest information, resources, helpful FAQs and other pertinent updates. There is also a Monkey pox vaccine interest form, information about testing, a list of vaccine locations, an email address for sharing exposure concerns and much more.