Eisenhower Health Makes Forbes America's Best Employers List For A Third Time

Eisenhower Health has been named to Forbes list of America’s Best Employers 2024. This prestigious award is presented by Forbes and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. The awards list was announced on February 13, 2024, and can currently be viewed on the Forbes website.

America’s Best Employers have been identified in an independent survey from a vast sample of over 170,000 U.S. employees working for companies employing at least 1,000 people within the U.S. 
The final score is based on two types of evaluations:
•    Personal: Given by employees themselves, also known as direct evaluations.
•    Public: Given by friends and family members of employees, or members of the public who work in the same industry - also known as indirect evaluations), with a much higher weighting for personal evaluations.

The result is two sub-lists: one for “Mid” sized organizations (those with 1,000 to 5,000 employees) and “Large” sized organizations (those with more than 5,000 employees).

“To have earned a spot in Forbes America’s Best Employers List for a third time is an honor,” says Martin Massiello, President and Chief Executive Officer, Eisenhower Health. “More than anything in this survey, our employees’ enthusiasm to recommend Eisenhower Health to someone else truly fills us with such pride. We appreciate their support and the support of the incredible community we serve.”

Statista publishes hundreds of worldwide industry rankings and company listings with high-profile media partners. This research and analysis service is based on the success of statista.com, the leading data and business intelligence portal that provides statistics, relevant business data, and various market and consumer studies and surveys.