Updated COVID-19 Statistics
COVID-19 Hospitalizations - Eisenhower Health

COVID-19 Percent Positive - Eisenhower Health

This graph shows the total daily number of COVID-19 tests conducted at Eisenhower Health (light blue bars), and of those tests how many were positive each day (dark blue bars). The green trend line shows the average percent of tests that were positive over the last 7 days; the blue trend line shows the average percent of tests that were positive over the last 14 days. The rate of positivity provides insight into whether a community is conducting enough testing to find cases. A high positivity rate suggests a community may be testing the sickest patients and possibly missing mild or asymptomatic cases. A lower positivity may indicate that a community is testing people with mild or no symptoms. In areas with extensive testing for COVID-19, the World Health Organization has said that the positivity rate should remain at 5% or lower for at least 14 days.
COVID-19 Cases among Adults 18+ Years, by Age and Month - Eisenhower Health

COVID-19 Cases among Children and Adolescents, by Age and Month - Eisenhower Health