Traditional Primary Care & Specialty Clinics
The list of health plans and plan offerings continue to grow every year. Please reach out to your health plan to confirm if your specific plan is in-network with Eisenhower’s primary care and specialty providers. Plan benefits may vary by area and plan type.
While every effort is made to ensure this list is current, it is always best to call your carrier to confirm both in and out of network benefits prior to making an appointment.
In the event that your insurance plan has not contracted for clinic based primary care or specialty services with Eisenhower Health, you will be responsible for your bill and may receive partial payment from your insurer.
- HMO Plan access is managed by your plan’s closed internal network of physicians and members do not have open access to self-refer for specialist services
- Co-pays are due at the time of service and uninsured patients are eligible for a cash discount when the balance is paid in full at the time of service.
Eisenhower is a Medicare participating facility for both part A and part B.
- Medicare (traditional Medicare)
- Medicare Advantage PPO plans
- Medicare Private Fee for Service plans (PFFS)
Note: Medicare supplement plans are accepted as secondary benefits for patients with traditional Medicare.
Medicare Advantage PPO and Private Fee for Service (PFFS) plans may be out of network. Confirmation of your "In-Network" status can be made by calling your insurance.
PPO Plans (Preferred Provider Organization Plans)
- Aetna PPO
- Beech Street*
- Anthem Blue Cross PPO (including Covered California PPO plans)
- Blue Shield PPO (including Covered California PPO plans)
- CIGNA PPO (excluding Eisenhower Primary Care 365 and Concierge Programs)
- First Health*
- Health Net PPO (excluding Eisenhower Primary Care 365 and Concierge Programs)
- Interplan*
- MultiPlan*
- PHCS (Private Health Care Systems)*
- United Healthcare (excluding United Healthcare Core Plans)
- Three Rivers PPO Network
- TriCare (Military)
Note: Companies marked with an asterisk (*) often provide their physician networks to other insurance companies. Look for their name or logo on your insurance card.
HMO Plans (Including Medicare Advantage and Medi-Cal Managed Care)
HMO Plan access is managed by your plan’s internal network; members do not have open access to self-refer for specialist services. Eisenhower is contracted with select HMO plans to provide referral-based specialty services. Members must have a valid referral and authorization to be seen at Eisenhower for select contracted specialties. Refer to your plan and your primary care physicians for additional details.
- Kaiser – All Specialties and Urgent Care Locations
- IEHP - Select Specialties
- DOHC – Select Specialties
- Optum Desert Cities – Select Specialties and Palm Springs Urgent Care
Note: Some Eisenhower Primary Care offices offer options for IEHP and Desert Oasis HMO members to see select Eisenhower Primary Care Physicians. Call 760-773-1460 to learn more about physician availability and locations.
Kaiser Permanente
Effective 10/01/21 - Kaiser Permanente members have access to Eisenhower Urgent Care locations. Kaiser Permanente patients must utilize Kaiser Primary Care Physicians and may not self-refer into the Eisenhower Health system. Kaiser Permanente members must seek a referral from their Kaiser Primary Care Physician or Kaiser Permanente member services.