Eisenhower Lucy Curci Cancer Center Earns Prestigious QOPI Certification

Eisenhower Lucy Curci Cancer Center is the first and only cancer center in Riverside County to earn prestigious certification for high-quality cancer care by the nation's largest oncology association.

Eisenhower was recognized by the QOPI® Certification Program, LLC – a wholly owned subsidiary of the Association for Clinical Oncology (the Association) and an affiliate of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (the Society) – for successfully completing a three-year certification program for outpatient hematology-oncology practices that meet nationally recognized standards for quality cancer care. The QOPI® Certification Program builds on the Society’s Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI®).

“We achieved QOPI certification by demonstrating that we provide the highest quality cancer care, according to standards established by national leaders in clinical oncology,” says Steven Plaxe, MD, Director, Eisenhower Lucy Curci Cancer Center and Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Diego.

In applying for certification the Lucy Curci Cancer Center participated in a voluntary comprehensive site assessment against clearly specified standards that are consistent with national guidelines and was successful in meeting the standards and objectives of the QOPI® Certification Program.

“Practices that certify demonstrate passion for quality care," says Association Chair Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD, FACS, FASCO. “By opting to dedicate time and resources toward this certification, they exemplify what all providers should strive for, in not just meeting guidelines and standards, but exceeding them.”

QOPI® is a voluntary self-assessment and improvement program launched by ASCO in 2006 to help hematology-oncology and medical oncology practices assess the quality of the care they provide to patients. Through QOPI®, practices abstract data from patients’ records up to twice per year and enter this information into a secure database. More than 750 oncology practices have registered for QOPI®.

QOPI® and the QOPI® Certification Program are projects dedicated to innovative quality improvement programs. For more information, click HERE.

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