Hand Therapy
Trauma to the hand can be more than a temporary inconvenience. Without proper care, an injured hand can become permanently impaired, resulting in loss of independence. Management at a facility specializing in treatment of hand injuries can mean a rapid and successful recovery and return to daily activities.
At Eisenhower, specifically trained and certified hand therapists assess and treat injuries and chronic conditions in the unique bone and soft tissue structures of the hand. Utilizing customized splinting, range of motion, strengthening and various thermal and electrical modalities. In addition, a computerized system of work simulation and various daily activities or “occupations” are addressed to maximize each patient’s functional outcomes.
How to Get Started
Treatment at Eisenhower Health's Rehabilitation Services department is covered by most insurance providers. A physician's prescription with a diagnosis is required. An initial appointment can be made by calling or walking in to the department. If faxing the prescription, please include the patient's telephone number so that an appointment may be scheduled. Following the initial evaluation by a licensed therapist, additional appointments will be made based on medical necessity.