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- 11/08/2022 - Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2020, 697,000 people in the United States died from Heart Disease — one death every 34 seconds. Key risk factors...
- 11/08/2022 - Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2020, 697,000 people in the United States died from Heart Disease — one death every 34 seconds. Key risk factors...
- 06/24/2022 - We all remember March 2020. World-wide, we witnessed the single greatest disruption — a global pandemic — we... Heart Disease. Almonds provide impressive benefits as a source of fiber and calcium. A one-ounce serving of 23 almonds has...
- 03/04/2022 - The American College of Cardiology (ACC) recently recognized Eisenhower Health for our demonstrated expertise and commitment... Heart Disease through formalized training and innovative technologies. Having Eisenhower Health recognized as a center of exc...
- 02/24/2022 - The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has recognized Eisenhower Health for its demonstrated expertise and commitment in... Heart Disease through formalized training and innovative technologies. Having Eisenhower Health recognized as a center of exc...
- 08/10/2020 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE REMAINS THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN WOMEN. According to United States statistics, 398,086 female... Heart Disease mortality for both men and women in the past three decades…recent data suggest stagnation in the improve...
- 02/05/2020 - The United States is among the top countries in its prevalence of diabetes with more than 30 million Americans diagnosed... Heart Disease and all-cause overall mortality. DR. THOMAS: Are there other metabolic derangements with diabetes? Such as c...
- 02/04/2020 - The numbers are staggering. An estimated 30.3 million Americans, or 9.4 percent of the population, have diabetes. Of these,... Heart Disease and stroke, nerve damage, kidney damage that can result in kidney failure, eye damage leading to poor vision or...
- 02/03/2020 - AS THE FAMOUS LINE IN THE MOVIE Apollo 13 goes, “Houston, we have a problem.” Actually, the entire nation has a... Heart Disease and stroke. “Complications aren’t tied to the duration of diabetes but to the duration of uncont...
- 02/03/2020 - AS THE FAMOUS LINE IN THE MOVIE Apollo 13 goes, “Houston, we have a problem.” Actually, the entire nation has a... Heart Disease and stroke. “Complications aren’t tied to the duration of diabetes but to the duration of uncont...
- 03/24/2017 - When Kenneth Lichtenstein , MD, joined Eisenhower Medical Center in July 2015 as Director of HIV services, the Board... Heart Disease, arthritis and diabetes — it now appears that they are developing them at higher rates than people who ar...