Neurology is a medical specialty specially focusing on the diseases and disorders related to the nervous system.
Eisenhower Neurology Specialists treat special conditions such as migraine, epilepsy, behavioral and cognitive disorders, progressive diseases such as Parkinson's, Huntington’s disorder, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and diseases like multiple sclerosis. Diseases in spinal cord, neuromuscular junctions are also treated by our neurology specialists.
Eisenhower Stroke Neurology Clinic provides enhanced stroke care. This comprehensive outpatient clinic provides carefully coordinated follow-up care to ensure that stroke patients continue to achieve the best possible outcomes after hospitalization. The Eisenhower Stroke Clinic fills critical follow-up needs for stroke patients, such as:
- Medication Management
- Outpatient Rehabilitation
- Further Diagnostic Testing
- Smoking Cessation Systems
- Support Group Resources
Stroke Center
In addition, Eisenhower Medical Center is a Certified Primary Stroke Center. For more information about our Stroke center, click here.