Services We Offer
- A
- Acute Inpatient Care
The Acute Inpatient Care area uses a multidisciplinary teamwork approach to provide patients with comprehensive therapy services in the hospital.
- Acute Inpatient Care
- B
- Balance Institute
The Eisenhower Balance Institute is a comprehensive balance program that evaluates and treats balance deficits and vertigo.
- Balance Institute
- C
- Cancer Care Program
Specialized rehab care for the cancer patient, including post mastectomy care, lymphedema care, activities of daily living training and generalized strengthening following cancer treatment.
- Cancer Care Program
- D
- Driving Simulator / Driver Fitness
Eisenhower Health’s Safe Driving Program is a twofold program designed to facilitate the safe operation of a motor vehicle.
- Driving Simulator / Driver Fitness
- H
- Hand Therapy
At Eisenhower, specifically trained and certified hand therapists assess and treat injuries and chronic conditions in the unique bone and soft tissue structures of the hand.
- Hand Therapy
- I
- Injured Workers Program
Eisenhower’s Rehabilitation Services department focuses on prevention of work injuries as well as the care needed to return the injured worker to their job as soon as possible.
- Injured Workers Program
- J
- Joint Replacement Program
Beginning with pre-joint replacement strengthening and education, and progressing through the inpatient stay and outpatient therapy, the Rehabilitation Services department at Eisenhower...
- Joint Replacement Program
- L
The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT®) BIG program is an intensive therapeutic exercises program for people with Parkinson's and other neurological conditions including stroke...
- Lymphedema Program
Treatment of lymphedema is given to control the swelling and prevent further damage or injuries from occurring.
- N
- Neuroscience Program
Eisenhower believes in specialized care for the neurologically impaired patient. Neurological conditions affect each patient individually with a wide range of presenting symptoms.
- Neuroscience Program
- O
- Orthopedic & Sports Rehabilitation
The goal of the Orthopedic/Sports Rehabilitation program at Eisenhower is the efficient restoration of the highest quality of life and functioning possible.
- Orthopedic & Sports Rehabilitation
- P
- Pediatric Program
Treating developmental delays, neurological impairments and acute injury processes, specialized staff trained in developmental rehabilitation provide specialized programs for children...
- Pelvic Health Program
The pelvic region is one area of the body often overlooked in society. Urinary and fecal incontinence often result in feelings of isolation as well as limit one’s ability to enjoy life.
- Pediatric Program
- S
- Speak Out
SPEAK OUT!® Is an evidenced based speech therapy program for individuals with Parkinson’s disease that was developed by the Parkinson Voice Project.
- Spinal Care Program
The Rehabilitation Services department at Eisenhower employs specially trained therapists who treat the most complex of spine patients...
- Stroke Program
In addition to acute inpatient care, comprehensive outpatient care for the stroke patient is featured at the Dolores Hope Building at Eisenhower Health in Rancho Mirage...
- Swallow Evaluations
Swallow evaluations are performed by speech pathologists trained in dysphagia that assess the patient's ability to swallow. This procedure includes the use of modified barium swallow...
- Speak Out