Orthopedics Hand and Wrist Providers
Our hand, wrist & finger surgeons are supported by a first-class team of highly trained specialists, including Physician Assistants who are specialists in hand, wrist & finger pain health issues, technicians, state-of-art imaging technology & technologists, etc.
How do you know when it’s time to make an appointment with the hand, wrist or finger specialists instead of just waiting it out? Any of the following circumstances should make you consider scheduling a visit as soon as possible:
- Severe, persistent, unresolved or reoccurring pain
- Problems worsen with home treatment
- Pain or discomfort when at rest
- Ongoing pain/stiffness when starting activity
- Difficulty holding common items or moving wrist area
- Reduced range of motion in hand, wrist or fingers
- Serious accidents
- Suspicious of overuse issues
- Persistent numbness or tingling
- Swelling or significant bruising
- Inability to straighten or flex
- Signs of fracture
Hand, Wrist and Finger Specialists
Stephen O’Connell, MD
- Chairman, Desert Orthopedic Center
- Director, Hand and Wrist Surgery
Eisenhower Desert Orthopedic Center
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Hand Surgery