Maternity Care
You can be completely confident about giving birth at Eisenhower Family Birth Center. We have rigorous infection prevention measures in place throughout the hospital to ensure everyone’s safety during this pandemic. Rules change regarding visitation based on guidelines from the county and the Centers for Disease Control, so please ask your prenatal team about the situation when it’s close to your delivery date. We look forward to providing you and your baby with the highest level of care.
Why Our Family Birth Center Is the Right Place to Have Your Baby
Women have been having babies since the dawn of time, but the truth is, your labor and delivery will be nothing like your mother’s. Or perhaps even your older sister’s! Every experience is unique, and we do all we can to ensure it’s safe, comfortable and transformative. Our new facility is leading edge, and we are committed to keeping up with the best practices and technology.
Providing All the Comforts
A lot of thought has gone into outfitting our all-private labor/delivery recovery/postpartum rooms (LDRP). From the private bathrooms to the endlessly adjustable high-tech labor beds, every detail is designed to make your labor and delivery as comfortable as possible.
Keeping You and Your Baby Safe
Protecting our moms and babies is of the utmost importance to us. To this end, we have carefully selected these personnel, technologies, and protocols:
- In-unit OB-ED (Emergency)Rooms available 24/7
The Eisenhower Birth Center is licensed as an OBED facility. There are four OBED rooms conveniently located within the Family Birth Center. Women who come into the hospital Emergency Department for unscheduled medical needs and pregnancy-related issues and are at least four months (20 weeks) along are sent directly to our OBED rooms immediately upon admission. Dedicated to serve all pregnant women within the Riverside County, our highly skilled team of board certified OB hospitalists and nurses typically evaluate and treat patients in a more efficient and expeditious manner than a general emergency department while using evidence based expertise. We have a complete surgical team on-site 24/7 to perform emergency cesareans and other emergency OB procedures. We have four private antepartum rooms which are reserved for women who need to stay overnight or be kept under observation. - 24/7 laborists (OB hospitalists) are always available
- 2 dedicated operating rooms
- Best-in-class technologies, from the Philips TrueVue ultrasound to fetal monitoring, boosted by PeriWatch Vigilance® AI to catch potential complications during labor
- UC San Diego Health perinatologists to consult with our team
- State-of-the-art Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- The Hugs® Infant Protection System electronically connects mother-and-baby’s ID bands and immediately sounds an alarm if the baby is taken out of the Birth Center
We’re Striving to Meet these Important Certifications and Quality Markers
Our Family Birth Center is new, so it’s too early to earn certain certifications. That said, we’re following all of the protocols for the leading quality and safety organizations, and we aspire to earn the ones listed below as soon as we can be evaluated.
- Working Toward Excellent Outcomes
We have hired an excellent and highly collaborative team of experts with the goal of achieving these essential markers for labor and delivery:- Low cesarean section rates (we only perform cesareans, whether planned or unplanned, when medically necessary)
- High breastfeeding rates
- Joint Commission certification
We are committed to meeting and exceeding national standards for these requirements and look forward to sharing our progress with the community.
- California Maternity Quality Care Collaborative
We believe every woman, regardless of her age, general health, and financial situation, deserves the best possible maternity care. To this end, we are seeking membership in the California Maternity Quality Care Collaborative, devoted to eliminating preventable maternal death and injury and promoting equitable maternity care in California. - California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative
We are looking to join the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative, affiliated with Stanford University. Membership in this collaborative ensures that our services meet the latest evidence-based practices in newborn care. - Baby-Friendly® Designation
We hope to qualify for the Baby-Friendly Initiative, a global program sponsored by the United Nations International Children’s Fund and the World Health Organization. “Baby-friendly” status is awarded to hospitals and birth centers that offer an optimal level of care to promote breastfeeding. In order to receive this prestigious accreditation, we are adopting the following practices:- Training our staff to implement and promote our breastfeeding policy using the latest evidence-based data and educate moms-to-be about the importance of breastfeeding
- Facilitating “skin-to-skin” contact at birth
Instead of being whisked away for a bath, our newborns are gently wiped down and placed on their mother’s breast to help mother and baby bond, keep baby warm, regulate baby’s blood sugar, encourage nursing, and stimulate milk production - Delaying bathing for 12 hours — babies don’t regulate their body temperature well at birth and are subject to stress from cold
- Delaying weighing, measuring, and the administration of Vitamin K and eye ointment for an hour
- Practicing “rooming-in,” so that mothers and infants can remain together 24 hours a day, and babies can be fed on demand
- Working with new moms to initiate breastfeeding within the first hour after the birth of their babies, and our specially trained nurses are available to help with breastfeeding as needed
- Teaching mothers how to breastfeed and maintain lactation when they are away from their babies